I mean the option you mentioned does sound fun and I would myself try it but I still don't at all think it's needed.
If your idea is to mass an army into a single group then it's obvious you're not great at rts online. You CAN select all military troops with a button on hud or you could hotkey it. So if I play 4v4 and there is a battle in 3 different locations, then I need to split my units and have only 10 units in each battle. So basically, only 30 units to fight with. For example, a decent dutch player with the extra 50 military population can make a world of difference if they can keep their eco up. With 99 settlers, 10 cannons and 20 cavalry mercenaries you arrive to 200 population. To add an extra 100pop would change the entire dynamic of the game. Houses and town centers raise the starting limit, to a maximum of 200, while each unit that is produced increases the population count. If you want the turks to have an overwhelming amount of the most powerful cannons guarded then you'll have a very crappy time because their cannon doesn't even suffer a calvary penalty. By the time I get artillery and cavalry to support my infantry It's probably 100-120 guys. there, the sky is the limit (or your gold income) Eh more like 120.
If you want HUGE ARMIES then go play the fail called Cossacks pls. Peasants have their own 99 build limit to it. Originally posted by -=EDF=- Kouta Seto:*sigh* 200 UNITS are 200 COMBAT UNITS dude.