Ultimate Katchin Dragon Strike (Similar to Goku's Super Dragon Fist)īorn on a the Saiyan Home-world, Planet Sadal, Orion lived a normal life for some time. Universal Destroyer (A beam attack similar to Goku's famous technique, which thanks to the Tournament of Power, he later renames 'Super Kamehameha')
Galactic Devastation (similar to Vegeta's Big Bang Attack) Is usually stubborn around most people, especially Cabba and Caulifia, but he can sometimes be persuaded by Kale.Ībilities: Energy Collection (similar to the Spirit Bomb, but can only absorb energy from a select number of people, and he doesn't have to stand still), Katchin Hard Fists Personality: Generally cold towards everyone, however he can sometime be very thoughtful and willing to help someone out, even if he appears to be annoyed or bothered by it.